2024 Annual Meeting
As a member-owner of Farmers' Electric Cooperative, you have a say in how the Cooperative conducts business. Your participation in the Annual Meeting each year is not only beneficial to the Cooperative but to YOU!
We want to invite all our members to for participate in the 86th Annual Meeting, by voting online or driving through our Chillicothe warehouse on September 24!
What is Annual Meeting?
You have a VOICE and a VOTE!
Every year the Annual Meeting is held so our member-owners can listen to Cooperative leaders discuss goals and challenges and discuss the financial health and priorities of the Cooperative for the coming year. We invite you to join us for this discussion and provide us with any feedback you may have.
The Meeting is also the time to vote on important issues at the Cooperative and for new Board Members.
When and Where is Annual Meeting?
This year's Annual Meeting will be a drive-thru style meeting held at our Chillicothe Warehouse (201 W. Business 36) on Tuesday, September 24, 2024.
Members can drive through our warehouse bay to register and vote, then exit! Members are welcome to stay for the business meeting if they chose to. Seating will be available in the warehouse and parking will be open around our office building.
Registration and voting: 4 - 6:15 pm
Business Meeting: 6:30 pm
Why should I go?
As a member of our communities, you have a valuable perspective, and we invite you to share it with us!
The Annual Meeting is the time to vote on important issues at the Cooperative and for new Board Members who will represent you – the members of the Cooperative.
All voting members (online or drive-thru) will receive a $20 BILL CREDIT!!
(*NOTE: Members who drive through on September 24 will receive their $20 bill credit as well as a bucket, gift, and be entered into the additional bill credit drawing held the next day.)
Drive-thru Voting
With the meeting being a drive-thru style, getting out of the vehicle will not be necessary. Members will drive their vehicles through one of our Chillicothe warehouse bays to register, vote, and collect their registration gifts all car-side.
Once members have registered and voted, they can exit! Members are welcome to stay if they wish and listen to the business meeting that will be held at the south end of our warehouse building (seating provided). Parking is available around our office building.
Staying for the business meeting portion is optional. Additional bill credit prizes will be announced the following day and election results will be published on our website and in the November Rural Missouri magazine.
PRIZE: Members who drive through to register and vote on September 24 will receive their $20 bill credit as well as a bucket, a gift, and entry into the additional bill credit drawings that will be held the following day.
Online Voting
We want more of our membership to have the opportunity to participate in their Annual Meeting election. Members who are unable to attend the Annual Meeting have the option to vote online prior to the Annual Meeting (September 9-20).
Members can access their ballot with:
- Member Number
- Last name as listed on the bill
- Zip code
PRIZE: Online voters will receive a $20 BILL CREDIT!
Election Information
FEC is governed by its membership. Each year, at the Annual Meeting, members elect individuals to represent them on the Board of Directors. The Board meets monthly, sets policy, and helps ensure decisions are in the best interest of the entire membership.
Also this year, the Board of Directors have gone through and freshen up several of the Cooperative Bylaws. Click below to view the candidate bios and the Bylaw Amendments in full before casting your vote. (Approval of the Bylaw Amendments will be considered all or none.)
Districts up for election in 2024:
District 1 (Daviess, Harrison, Gentry & DeKalb counties)
District 4 (Livingston & Grundy counties)
District 5 (Carroll & Lafayette counties)
September Rural Missouri
• Annual Meeting Edition •
The Official Notice of the 86th Annual Meeting will be available in the September Rural Missouri magazine.
Magazines hit mailboxes in early September. This edition will have all the official Annual Meeting notice, voting instructions, minutes and financials to look through, board candidate bios, and Bylaw Amendment information.
Click here to view the Annual Meeting edition.
How will I know if I won a prize?
Members do not need to stay for the Business Meeting in order to win a prize. Watch our Facebook LIVE where we announced winners of the additional bill credit prizes the next day!
We also notified these winners by phone call, and their names will be published in the November Rural Missouri magazine.
*All bill credits will be deducted from the member's next monthly bill (October billing cycles).