If you experience a power outage, please report it using our 24-hour line
(800) 927-5334 or by using the myFEC App.
Unfortunately, there may be a time in which you lose power at your home or business. Whenever the outage occurs, simply call (800) 927-5334, even if the outage occurs during regular business hours. By calling the toll-free number, your call will be handled by an operator who is trained to deal with your specific situation. Also, our answering service has direct contact with every Farmers' Electric Cooperative crew in the field. This way, our crews can respond and get your power restored as quickly and safely as possible.
Every outage reported helps our line crews better pinpoint the issue!
Should you lose power, please use the following guidelines:
Check your breakers or fuses.
If possible, check to see if your neighbors have power.
Call the 24-hour, toll-free number: (800) 927- 5334 or report your outage on the myFEC app
The crew in your area will be contacted and dispatched immediately to restore your service.
*NOTE: If an outage is reported that is on your side of the meter and not Farmers' Electric equipment related:
- during business hours a $100 charge will be applied to your next monthly bill.
- after hours, a $200 charge will be applied to your next monthly bill.
To see who is responsible for which side of the meter, please visit our Who Owns What page.
How long will my power be out?
Outage restoration time depends on a variety of factors such as inclement weather conditions, safety, equipment or pole replacements, the bulk of outages reported, etc. On average, outages can last around 2.5 hours, but each outage is unique. Once the crews locate and access the issue, we oftentimes have a better idea of how long Members could be without power.
When large outages occur, look for updates to be posted on our main social media channels: Facebook and Instagram.
Ever wonder how high winds can cause so many problems with power outages?
Check out this short video of galloping lines taken by SEMO Electric Cooperative in southern Missouri. This video was shot in February 2022.
Galloping power lines cause damage, flickers, and power outages.